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  • John M. Thurston, MD

Myths and Facts About Ketamine Treatment

Ketamine, originally used as an anesthetic, has emerged as a promising treatment in the realm of mental health, particularly for depression. Despite its potential, there are several misconceptions surrounding its use. Here, we debunk some common myths and provide facts about Ketamine therapy.

Myth 1: Ketamine is only a recreational drug.

Fact: While ketamine has been known for its recreational use, it has legitimate and effective medical applications. In the medical setting, ketamine is used under strict supervision to treat conditions such as severe depression, particularly in cases where other treatments have failed. The doses used for medical purposes are typically much lower and controlled compared to recreational use.

Myth 2: Ketamine therapy results are only temporary.

Fact: Ketamine can provide rapid relief from depressive symptoms, often within hours or days after treatment, which can be a critical factor for patients experiencing severe depression. While the initial benefits can be short-lived, regular sessions can lead to longer-term improvements in mood and function. Some patients may experience sustained relief after a series of treatments, and ongoing maintenance sessions can help preserve the effects.

Myth 3: There are no side effects to ketamine treatment.

Fact: Like any medical treatment, ketamine therapy comes with potential side effects. Common ones include dissociation (feeling detached from reality), nausea, increased blood pressure, and dizziness during the infusion. These effects are generally short-lived and resolve soon after the treatment session ends. Clinicians closely monitor patients to manage any adverse effects appropriately.

Myth 4: Ketamine therapy is addictive.

Fact: When used in a controlled clinical setting, the risk of addiction to ketamine is low. Medical doses are significantly lower than those typically used recreationally, and treatments are administered under strict medical supervision. Additionally, treatment protocols are designed to minimize the potential for dependency.

Myth 5: Ketamine treatment is a “last resort” option.

Fact: Although ketamine can be an option for treatment-resistant depression, it's not solely a last resort. Many experts are exploring its use earlier in treatment plans due to its rapid and potent effects. Each patient’s treatment strategy is tailored based on their specific needs and medical history.


Ketamine treatment offers a valuable option for many individuals suffering from severe depression and other psychiatric disorders. Understanding the myths and facts about this treatment helps patients and their families make informed decisions about their health care options. As with any medical treatment, consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial to determine if ketamine therapy is appropriate for an individual's condition.

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